Prayer Books
Bahá’í Prayers (Available in Four Cover Designs)
Description: Printed in full color, these prayer books are small enough to be carried in your pocket. Inside, in addition to the prayers, there are additional pages giving the days of the Nineteen Day Feast and Bahá’í anniversaries and holy days. The book also includes photos of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the shrine of Bahá'u'lláh, the shrine of the Báb, pictures of the Bahá’í Temples of the United States and India and the Greatest Name symbol.
Price: $3. 48 pages. All color.
Munáját-i-Mubarakih: Prayers in Persian and Arabic
(Available in Four Cover Designs)
Description: This dignified and beautiful compilation of prayers revealed by Bahá'u'lláh, 'Abdu'l-Bahá and those written by the Guardian (for Persian believers), available in four different cover designs, opens with an exquisite and unique design of the Greatest Name followed by photos of the Holy Shrines and the Indian Temple, two pictures of the Master (in youth and old age) and a beautiful and imaginative inscription of the healing prayer in Arabic. Each page has been attractively designed with a floral motif.